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SpeechEncoder Properties

The SpeechEncoder type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCompatibilityMode
Gets the Compatibility Mode.
Public propertyInputBitsPerSample
Set the size of each sample in bits of the input stream. Default: 16.
Public propertyInputChannels
Set the number of channels the input PCM stream contains. If the channels are greater than 1, then the channels will be merged.
Public propertyInputSampleRate
Gets or sets the input sample rate of the PCM stream. In all cases it must be a valid samplerate used by the selected codec.
Public propertyMaximumInputDataLength
Set/Get the maximum size of the input data in bytes that can be encoded at once.
Public propertyOutputBitrate
Gets or sets the output bitrate of the codec. Default: 64000.
Public propertyPacketDuration
Set/Get maximum packet duration. After calling SetCodec the PacketDuration will have it's default value depending on the codec selected.
Public propertyPayloadType
Set/Get Payload Type of produced RTP packets.
Public propertyCode exampleStreamType
Gets or sets or Sets the StreamType property.
See Also