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MatroskaWriterConfiguration Class
Used to configure details of Matroska/WebM Writer.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: StreamCoders.Container
Assembly: MediaBase (in MediaBase.dll) Version: (
public class MatroskaWriterConfiguration

The MatroskaWriterConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public methodMatroskaWriterConfiguration
Initializes a new instance of the MatroskaWriterConfiguration class
Public propertyBlockGroupsPerCluster
Gets or sets the BlockGroups per cluster.
Public propertyBlocksPerBlockGroup
Gets or sets the number of blocks per BlockGroup.
Public propertyCreateFakeCuePoints
Creates fake cue points for live transform from another container. Cue points will be generated for every 5 seconds of video. At least one track must contain a duration for this feature to work.
Public propertyDefaultTimecodeScale
Gets or sets the default timecode scale. Default: 1,000,000
Public propertyDocumentType
Gets or sets the type of the document. E.g. "matroska", "webm"
Public propertyDocumentTypeReadVersion
Gets or sets the document type read version. By default this is set to 2.
Public propertyDocumentTypeVersion
Gets or sets the document type version. By default this is set to 2.
Public propertyEbmlReadVersion
Gets or sets the EBML read version. By default this is set to 1.
Public propertyEbmlVersion
Gets or sets the EBML version. By default this set to 1.
Public propertyFakeCuePoints
Contains fake cue points for the container when CreateFakeCuePoints was enabled.
Public propertyIncludeSeekInformation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the seek information should be included in segments. Without this information seeking cannot be accomplished, but it may be necessary to turn this property to false when live streaming.
Public propertyLiveStream
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the file will be used for live streaming.

Public propertyMuxingApplication
Gets or sets the muxing application name.
Public propertySegmentSwitchThreshold
Public propertySimpleBlocksPerCluster
Gets or sets the number of simple-blocks per cluster.
Public propertyUseBlockGroups
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use groups in clusters or otherwise SimpleBlocks.
Public propertyWritingApplication
Gets or sets the writing application name.
Public fieldDurationThreshold
The segment switch duration threshold. Effective only if SegmentSwitchThreshold is CreateNewSegmentAfterDurationThreshold.
Public fieldTags
A list of meta-tags (key/value) to be included in the file.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCopyOverloaded.
Creates a copy of the object.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCopy(Object)Overloaded.
Creates a deep copy of the object using the supplied object as a target for the copy operation.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)

Notes for live streaming:

If LiveStream is set to true, the following options will be overwritten:

UseBlockGroups = false (implying SimpleBlocks)
SegmentSwitchThreshold = UseOneSegment.

Also the default segment size will be infinite.

See Also