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DecoderSpecificDataOutputType Enumeration
Represents the type the type of structure that is returned by DecoderSpecificData.

Namespace: StreamCoders
Assembly: MediaBase (in MediaBase.dll) Version: (
public enum DecoderSpecificDataOutputType
  Member nameValueDescription
Storage0 Indicates that the data structure to be returned should be in storage type format.

For H.264 and H.265 these will be (H)AVCConfigurationRecord

For all other codecs Storage and Stream have the same meaning.

Stream1 Indicates that the data structure to be returned should be in a raw unstructured form.

For H.264 and H.265 these will be (VPS)/SPS/PPS

For all other codecs Storage and Stream have the same meaning.

StreamEscaped2 Indicates that the data structure to be returned should be in a raw but escaped form.

For H.264 this means start codes.

For all other codecs Stream and StreamEscaped are identical

See Also