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TcpNetworkClient Fields

The TcpNetworkClient type exposes the following members.

Public fieldConnectTimeout
Timespan to wait for connection to be established when synchronous parameter is true.
Public fieldKeepAliveInterval
Interval in which keep-alive messages are sent.
Public fieldKeepAliveTimeout
Time until a half-closed / half-open connection is terminated. This can be the case when a router or cable was disconnected.

To turn off keep-alive checking set KeepAliveTimeout to Timespan.Zero

Public fieldSendTimeout
TimeSpan specifying how long to wait for Send operation to finish before socket is closed and OnError is invoked. Set this property to TimeSpan.Zero to disable send timeout. When a socket send operation times out an OnError event will be generated where Error == SocketError.TimedOut, after which appropriate action must be taken by the application.
See Also