JitterBufferT Fields |
The JitterBufferT generic type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AdaptiveExpiry |
Adaptive expiry automatically adjusts the Expiry time by measuring the weighed average
time of frame completion. Avg += 1/16 * (previous - current);
The initial FrameExpiry in this scenario is still important as the algorithm needs a
starting point.
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AdaptiveMaximumThreshold |
In an adaptive expiry scenario, the maximum change is FrameExpiry *
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AdaptiveOvershootFactor |
The adaptive overshoot factor.
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CheckFrameComplete |
Some framing types don't set a marker bit. If set to false, the jitter will not check if
the frame is complete and will release it upon FrameExpiry.
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CheckGaps |
Check whether frame gaps exist as criteria for a complete frame.
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FrameExpiry |
Time to wait before a frame is released from the jitter.
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MinimumFrameAge |
The minimum age a frame must have before it is released by the jitter.
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Name |
The name.
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SkipLateOrIncompleteFrames |
If set to true, the jitter will not release partially completed frames (due to packet
loss etc.). A frame is considered late when the frame age is 1.5 times that of