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UdpNetworkClient Methods

The UdpNetworkClient type exposes the following members.

Public methodBind
Associates socket with local endpoint.
Public methodClose
Closes underlying socket.
Public methodFinishInit
Finishes initialization by starting receive chain.
Public methodSend(ArraySegmentByte)
Sends an ArraySegment to the remote endpoint.
Public methodSend(Byte)
Sends a byte array to the remote endpoint.
Public methodSend(String)
Sends a string to the remote endpoint.
Public methodSend(OffsetBufferByte)
Sends an OffsetBuffer to the remote endpoint.
Public methodSimpleInit
Calls StartInit, Bind and FinishInit in one run.
Public methodStartInit
Starts initialization by creating underlying socket.
Public methodStartReceiveChain
Starts the internal receive chain. This function should only be called if FinishInit(false) was called, otherwise the receive chain is already started.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCopyOverloaded.
Creates a copy of the object.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCopy(Object)Overloaded.
Creates a deep copy of the object using the supplied object as a target for the copy operation.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
See Also