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RtcpSourceDescriptionChunk Properties

The RtcpSourceDescriptionChunk type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCname
A non-unique identifier of the host of an Ssrc in the form of user@computer (e.g.
Public propertyEmail
The email address, e.g., "".
Public propertyLoc
Depending on the application, different degrees of detail are appropriate for this item. For conference applications, a string like "Murray Hill, New Jersey" may be sufficient.
Public propertyName
The real name of the Ssrc, e.g., "John Doe, Bit Recycler".
Public propertyNote
The following semantics are suggested for this item, but these or other semantics MAY be explicitly defined by a profile. The NOTE item is intended for transient messages describing the current state of the source, e.g., "on the phone, can't talk". Or, during a seminar, this item might be used to convey the title of the talk. It should be used only to carry exceptional information and SHOULD NOT be included routinely by all participants because this would slow down the rate at which reception reports and CNAME are sent, thus impairing the performance of the protocol. In particular, it SHOULD NOT be included as an item in a user's configuration file nor automatically generated as in a quote-of-the-day. Since the NOTE item may be important to display while it is active, the rate at which other non-CNAME items such as NAME are transmitted might be reduced so that the NOTE item can take that part of the RTCP bandwidth. When the transient message becomes inactive, the NOTE item SHOULD continue to be transmitted a few times at the same repetition rate but with a string of length zero to signal the receivers. However, receivers SHOULD also consider the NOTE item inactive if it is not received for a small multiple of the repetition rate, or perhaps 20-30 RTCP intervals.
Public propertyPhone
The phone number SHOULD be formatted with the plus sign replacing the international access code. For example, +1 908 555 1212 for a number in the United States.
Public propertyPriv
Gets or sets the priv.
Public propertyPrivPrefix
Gets or sets the priv prefix.
Public propertySsrc
The Ssrc of this chunk.
Public propertyTool
A string giving the name and possibly version of the application generating the stream, e.g., "videotool 1.2". This information may be useful for debugging purposes and is similar to the Mailer or Mail-System-Version SMTP headers. The TOOL value is expected to remain constant for the duration of the session.
See Also