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Transport Properties

The Transport type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClientPort
This parameter provides the unicast RTP/RTCP port pair on which the client has chosen to receive media data and control information. It is specified as a pair, e.g., client_port=3456-3457.
Public propertyDestination
The address to which a stream will be sent. The client may specify the multicast address with the destination parameter. To avoid becoming the unwitting perpetrator of a remote- controlled denial-of-service attack, a server SHOULD authenticate the client and SHOULD log such attempts before allowing the client to direct a media stream to an address not chosen by the server. This is particularly important if RTSP commands are issued via UDP, but implementations cannot rely on TCP as reliable means of client identification by itself. A server SHOULD not allow a client to direct media streams to an address that differs from the address commands are coming from.
Public propertyHeaderType
Gets or sets the type of the RTSP header.
(Inherited from BaseHeader.)
Public propertyInterleaved
The interleaved parameter implies mixing the media stream with the control stream in whatever protocol is being used by the control stream, using the mechanism defined in Section 10.12. The argument provides the channel number to be used in the $ statement. This parameter may be specified as a range, e.g., interleaved=4-5 in cases where the transport choice for the media stream requires it.
Public propertyMode
The mode parameter indicates the methods to be supported for this session. Valid values are Play and Record. If not provided, the default is Play.
Public propertyPort
This parameter provides the RTP/RTCP port pair for a multicast session. It is specified as a range, e.g., port=3456-3457.
Public propertyScheme
mutually exclusive indication of whether unicast or multicast delivery will be attempted. Default value is multicast. Clients that are capable of handling both unicast and multicast transmission MUST indicate such capability by including two full transport-specs with separate parameters for each.
Public propertyServerPort
This parameter provides the unicast RTP/RTCP port pair on which the server has chosen to receive media data and control information. It is specified as a pair, e.g., server_port=3456-3457.
Public propertySource
If the source address for the stream is different than what can be derived from the RTSP endpoint address (the server in playback or the client in recording), the source MAY be specified.
Public propertySsrc
The ssrc parameter indicates the RTP Ssrc value that should be (request) or will be (response) used by the media server. This parameter is only valid for unicast transmission. It identifies the synchronization source to be associated with the media stream.
Public propertyTransportProtocol
The default value for the "lower-transport" parameters is specific to the profile. Default: "RTP/AVP".
Public propertyTtl
multicast time-to-live.
See Also