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MovieExtendsHeaderBox Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: StreamCoders.Container.MP4
Assembly: MediaBase (in MediaBase.dll) Version: (
public class MovieExtendsHeaderBox : FullBox

The MovieExtendsHeaderBox type exposes the following members.

Public methodMovieExtendsHeaderBox
Initializes a new instance of the MovieExtendsHeaderBox class
Public methodMovieExtendsHeaderBox(Box)
Initializes a new instance of the MovieExtendsHeaderBox class
Public propertyBoxSize
Gets the content + header size of a single box (without children) in bytes.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public propertyContentSize (Overrides BoxContentSize.)
Public propertyFullTreeSize
Gets the boxes size including all children and header sizes (in bytes).
(Inherited from Box.)
Public propertyHeaderSize (Inherited from FullBox.)
Public methodAddChild
Adds a child.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodDebugWriteToFile (Inherited from Box.)
Public methodFindChild(BoxType)
Finds a child of this item.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodFindChild(BoxType)
Finds a child of this item.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodFindChildT
Finds the first occurance of a child immediate to the current box.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodFindChildFullT
Finds child of type T in full tree.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodFindChildFullSubClassedT
Finds first child subclassed from type T in full tree.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodFindChildrenT
Finds multiple Children of the same type immediate to the current box.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodFindChildrenFullSubClassedT
Finds object derived subclassed from T in full tree.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodFindParentT
Traverses up until root node until an immediate parent is found.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodFindParentOrChildT
Traverses Parent and immediate children up to root node for a specific box type.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodParse
Parses this object.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodReadDebugData
Reads the debug data.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodSetDirty
Marks box and its children as dirty. Initially all boxes are dirty.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodSkip
Skips the remaining bytes of the box by reading them.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodUpdate
Updates the box and it's children. The box must be set dirty.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodVerifyDebugData
Verify debug data.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodVerifyDebugData(String)
Verify debug data.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public methodWriteInto
Writes the box and its children to a destination stream.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public eventOnBeforeWrite
Event to be raised before a Box is written to an output stream using Box.WriteInto
(Inherited from Box.)
Public fieldBoxType
Contains the type of the box.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public fieldBoxValueType
The value representation of the box type.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public fieldDuration
Public fieldFlags (Inherited from FullBox.)
Public fieldSizeExcludingHeader
The size of the box without header.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public fieldSizeIncludingHeader
The size of the current box including header.
(Inherited from Box.)
Public fieldUserType
Custom Box type (uuid).
(Inherited from Box.)
Public fieldVersion (Inherited from FullBox.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCopyOverloaded.
Creates a copy of the object.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCopy(Object)Overloaded.
Creates a deep copy of the object using the supplied object as a target for the copy operation.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
See Also