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H264Frame Class
This frame type encapsulates RFC 3984 - RTP Payload Type for H.264 Packetization mode: 0 (NAL Units), 1 (NAL Units, STAP-A, FU-A)
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: StreamCoders.Rtp
Assembly: MediaBase (in MediaBase.dll) Version: (
public class H264Frame : RtpFrame

The H264Frame type exposes the following members.

Public methodH264Frame
Default constructor.
Public propertyAge
Returns the age of the frame since creation time in milliseconds.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyCustomHeader
Maintains a custom header to the beginning of a frame. It will be added by GetAssembledFrame. This can be useful for automatically adding start-codes or meta information.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyFrameComplete
Indicates whether the content of this frame is complete. For most frames this is true if a packet was received that has its marker bit set.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyHasMarker (Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyHasSequenceGaps
Determines whether there are gaps between sequence numbers in this frame.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyHighestSequenceNumber
Returns the highest Sequence number in frame.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyIsExpired
Gets or sets or Sets the IsExpired property.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyLowestSequenceNumber
Returns the lowest Sequence number in frame.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyPacketCount
Stores the number of packets in the frame.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyTimestamp
Returns the timestamp of this frame.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyTotalPayloadSize
Stores the total number of bytes that make up the payload of this frame.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public propertyUpdateAge
Gets the UpdateAge property.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public methodAddPacket
Adds a packet to the frame.
(Overrides RtpFrame.AddPacket(RtpPacket).)
Public methodClear
Removes all RtpPacket objects from frame.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public methodGetAssembledFrame
Depacketizes one NAL unit per run.
(Overrides RtpFrame.GetAssembledFrame().)
Public methodGetNextPacket
Retrieves Packets from the frame, sorted by their sequence numbers.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public methodPeek
Allows to peek at the first packet in the queue. The packet will not be removed.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public methodSetExpiry
Set the expiry of the frame for age and update-age of the frame content in milliseconds.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public eventOnFrameComplete
Event queue for all listeners interested in OnFrameComplete events.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public fieldIsPurgable
Indicates that this frames is ready to be purged from whatever structure holds it.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public fieldPresentationTime
Optional presentation time from e.g. PlayoutBuffer.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Public fieldRelativePresentationTime
Relative (normalized) presentation time, relative to wall-clock time.
(Inherited from RtpFrame.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCopy()Overloaded.
Creates a copy of the object.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCopy(Object)Overloaded.
Creates a deep copy of the object using the supplied object as a target for the copy operation.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
See Also