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SRtpStatusCode Enumeration
Contains status codes return from SRTP methods and functions.

Namespace: StreamCoders.Rtp
Assembly: MediaBase (in MediaBase.dll) Version: (
public enum SRtpStatusCode
  Member nameValueDescription
StatusOk0 nothing to report
StatusFail1 unspecified failure
StatusBadParam2 unsupported parameter
StatusAllocFail3 Couldn't allocate memory
StatusDeallocFail4 Couldn't deallocate properly
StatusInitFail5 Couldn't initialize
StatusTerminus6 Can't process as much data as requested
StatusAuthFail7 Authentication failure
StatusCipherFail8 Cipher failure
StatusReplayFail9 Replay check failed (bad index)
StatusReplayOld10 Replay check failed (index too old)
StatusAlgoFail11 Algorithm failed test routine
StatusNoSuchOp12 Unsupported operation
StatusNoCtx13 No appropriate context found. This can indicate that the wrong SSRC was set.
StatusCantCheck14 Unable to perform desired validation
StatusKeyExpired15 Can't use key any more
StatusSocketErr16 Error in use of socket
StatusSignalErr17 Error in use POSIX signals
StatusNonceBad18 Nonce check failed
StatusReadFail19 Couldn't read data
StatusWriteFail20 Couldn't write data
StatusParseErr21 Error parsing data
StatusEncodeErr22 Error encoding data
StatusSemaphoreErr23 Error while using semaphores
StatusPfkeyErr24 Error while using pfkey
See Also